Who We Are

Jeff Edwards
Lead Pastor
Jeff has been involved with Mountain Creek North since 1998, and has been the Pastor since 2004. He was previously a professional engineer for 16 years and has been bi-vocational since becoming a pastor. Jeff, his wife Tricia, and their adult children Cameron, Alison and Michael, have called Mountain Creek home for the majority of their lives because they love it! Jeff is passionate about Jesus, the Bible and Church, his wife and family, hiking, drumming, traveling, missions… oh yeah, and board games.
Phone: (403) 616-6480
Email: jeff@nwcchurch.ca

Kara Wilfley
Associate Pastor
When she walked into Mountain Creek North in 1998, Kara knew this was where God wanted her to be. Kara, her husband Mike and two daughters developed immediate friendships. In 2007, God shocked her with a call from ESL teaching into full-time ministry. Kara is passionate about worship and The Word, prayer, young people and SUSHI! Her mission is to help others know the "life which is the light of all humankind" (John 1:4)
Phone: (403) 978-3242
Email: kara.wilfley@nwcchurch.ca

Valerie Salkeld
Associate Pastor
Valerie has been at Mountain Creek North since 2002 and currently serves as a chaplain at Wycliffe Canada as well as Associate Pastor at Mountain Creek. Valerie & her husband Laird, and their 3 adult children have been involved at the church in various capacities over the years. Valerie has a deep desire for people to know God and His love. She is devoted to walking with people on their spiritual journey to help them grow in prayerfulness through His Word and church.
Phone: 403-875-3522

Tyler Dobson
Pastoral Intern
Tyler has been a part of Mountain Creek North since he moved to Calgary in 2020 and has been serving in varying capacities (along with his wife Vanessa) since November 2021. His responsibilities at the church include volunteer coordination, youth leadership, and worship coordination. One of his greatest passions is music, and since being saved in 2014 he has been blessed with many opportunities to serve in worship at many different churches. Besides his faith and music, Tyler's other passions include cooking, hiking, and video games. Tyler and Vanessa have also recently grown their family with the birth of their first child Ronan!

Gwynne Holder
Church Administrator
Gwynne has been on staff, as administrator, and attending at Mountain Creek South since January 2015. She and her husband, Erik, have three adult sons, one daughter-in-law, and one grand-dog! Gwynne worked as a trainer in oil and gas before getting downsized in 2013. A former teacher, she is a people person and loves finding out what makes them tick. Gwynne strives to be Jesus' hands and feet by getting to know new people and seeing how she can make their lives better. One way she does this is by being a companion to seniors in long-term care. Shoot her an email to say "Hi!"
Phone: 403-828-7434
Email: gwynne.holder@nwcchurch.ca

Carey Wegner
Leadership Team Chair
Carey is slowly learning that God likes to put him in leadership roles where he (Carey) doesn’t feel qualified. He has been chair of our Leadership Team since 2020. Currently, his most frequent personal prayer (other than the Shema and the Lord’s Prayer) is based on Psalm 86:11 “Teach me, O YHWH, your way that I may walk in your truth. Give to me an undivided heart to fear your name.”
Carey is thankful to be living life and seeking God with Nancy, his wife and best friend. Since Carey sees the beauty of God in Math, he teaches high school students, slipping in life and character stories whenever he can. Carey loves gongs; 3 is not enough.

Vanessa Dobson
Leadership Team
Vanessa has been a part of Mountain Creek North since she was 3 years old. This place has been her home and family for many years. She is currently studying at the Sioux Falls Seminary under the Kairos Project as well as being a stay-at-home mom! She serves MCCC on the Leadership team and together with her husband Tyler, they serve as worship coordinators and youth leaders. Vanessa is passionate about the Lord, missions, music and art. Bring any of these things up to her and she will talk for hours! Tyler and Vanessa have also recently grown their family with the birth of their first child Ronan!

Mark Fryer
Leadership Team
Mark has been involved with MCCC since being baptized in 2021. After 48 years of denying God, Mark is now a witness to the Good News that we can be born again and experience the forgiveness, love and healing that comes from accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord & Saviour. Mark and his wife Cathy of 27 years have 2 daughters, a couple of cats and a dog. He loves to play all kinds of games and is involved with the ROC Youth Group.

Bob Rolfe
Leadership Team/Treasurer
Bob came to faith in 1987 at Canyon Creek (formerly South Calgary Christian Fellowship) where he, Stacha and their 2 sons worshipped. He served on the CCCF board and as treasurer there as well as the BGCA Board under 3 different District Ministers. He also served as Trustee for the BGCA Investment and Loan Fund. Bob and Stacha have 2 adult children, Robbie and Michael and 2 granddaughters, Violet and Eloise. Bob recently accepted the call to be Mountain Creek's next treasurer starting in January of 2025. Bob enjoys “playing at golf”, travelling with Stacha and watching over his 2 granddaughters.“ My biggest concern/challenge is seeking ways on how we can effectively witness to a generation in North America who believe they “ have no need of God”.